Saturday, December 15, 2012


Yesterday, a tragic event occurred at an elementary school in Connecticut.  I repeat, an elementary school.  Twenty-six people were killed, more than half were children between the ages of 5 -10, just babies!  What type of person goes to a school with the intent to kill babies?  I cannot fathom experiencing what those children and school staff experienced during that short time period.  I can't concentrate on anything at the moment, my mind keeps going back to that small town in Connecticut.

Here I am sitting in my classroom, expecting students to flow in at any minute for Saturday School.  I'm wondering if any of my students have heard about this, and if so what do I say to them?  Because of the times we're living in, my school as most schools around the country participate in lock-down drills.  This is where we "pretend" that an intruder is in the building and we lock the doors, find a safe spot in the classroom and keep quiet.  Well, to many students this is a quick game of "Hide and Seek" and many do not take it seriously.  No one ever believes that something so tragic would happen to them.  What happened in CT could have happened anywhere.  Praying for the families and the entire community of Newtown, CT.  May GOD bless their souls.   


  1. Yes I agree. Most school have lock-downs but purely because they have to. I'm sure most do not believe they will ever have to put these taught actions into action. I'm sure if a child approaches you you will know just what to say. Luckily they were with their parents/families over the weekend and most questions were asked/answered (I hope)The thing that bothers me most is that parents and child should feel safety in their schools and now what? Children should not feel fear to attend school. Just sad...

  2. Thanks for the response. I'm also hoping that my parents will talk with their children over the weekend. Thankfully none of them spoke of the event today. It is very sad. Schools should be a safe haven for all.

  3. Great Blog post Ms. Leach!! As much as we don't like to expose our children to the negativity and violence on the news, we must talk to them and educate them about what has happened. It was definitely a hard task for me, talking to my Son and trying to hold back tears at the same time. I eventually had to turn the TV off, otherwise, My Son will be home schooled until he's 35!! Praying for those babies, those families and the survivors that witnessed this tragic event....

  4. Thanks Tamika! I don't think your son is going to go for home schooling. LOL!
